Woolaston Amateur Garden Society
WAGS is an affiliated member of the RHS. Visitors and non members always welcome

The society formed in 1990 and primarily involved those residents who had plots on the then new allotment ground on Woolaston Common. Membership has changed greatly over the years and the majority of us now just enjoy our own gardens. One or two members still have allotment plots but growing vegetables, fruit etc is done at home.
We meet on the first Thursday of the month at 8pm in Woolaston Memorial Hall apart from January and August. We also enjoy trips to visit well known gardens and have also started having ‘open gardens’ for members only around the village. Our speakers range from specific plant talks, beekeeping, the village orchard, to trug making and house plants. January is usually a social get together at a local hostelry and August when we open our gardens. We aim to offer an eclectic approach to all aspects of gardens and gardening.
Posters are displayed in the village shop and around the village for each meeting, plus posted on the Woolaston community page. Subs can be single or family membership and we charge a small fee (£3) to visitors.
Further details contact Chrissie Hugill on