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Weekly Walks

Information about Weekly Walks


An invitation to each and everyone one keen to explore the paths and bridleways of Woolaston for a couple of hours each week and explore the wonderful countryside on our doorstep


  • Stout walking shoes/boots,
  • thorn proof trousers/jacket
  • secateurs
  • gloves
  • and a few yarns to share!

Time: 1000hrs Each Wednesday

Start: The Rising Sun pub.

Woolaston Website Walks

The Woolaston Website Walks are being published to show the great number and variety of public footpaths in the Parish of Woolaston.  Two walks are currently available but others will be added.  The walks are circular wherever possible and stay within the Parish.  None of the walks are very onerous but some can be rather challenging particularly in the summer when the vegetation is well grown.  There is a map for each walk and a brief description of the route both of which have a link that should enable them to be printed easily.  Click on the link below to see the walk.

Whilst, for each walk, the text and map which accompanies it may be sufficient to follow the route, planning the walk on the local O.S. Map, OL 14 from the Ordnance Survey Explorer Series, before you start will make following the route much easier.

The footpath maps are only digitised representations taken from the definitive map that is held and maintained by Gloucestershire County Council and accuracy, of the digitised versions, cannot be guaranteed.  An online digital map can be found HERE and further information about the definitive public rights of way map and the public rights of way in Gloucestershire can by found on the Gloucestershire County Council website HERE.

When walking please follow the countryside code.

Walk 1: Ashwell Grange – Park Hill – High Woolaston

Approximately 3.6 miles (5.8 kilometres) of which about 1 ¼ miles is metalled surface, Ascent 500ft. 2 ¼ hours

Walk 1

Walk 2: Picnic Site – Birchwood – Woolaston Common – Keynsham Lane

Approximately 4.75 miles (7.64 kilometres) of which about 1 ½ miles is metalled surface, Ascent 200ft. 2 ½ hours.






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