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Neighbourhood Watch

Information about Neighbourhood Watch

Point of Contact: Pete Brown – 01594 529504

Neighbourhood Watch is recognised nationally as one of the most effective voluntary organisations and a good example of police and communities working together to reduce crime and the fear of crime; building safer communities to improve the quality of life.  Please visit the national website on for full details, advice and current news.

Your local police service builds on this national profile by actively supporting the spread of local Neighbourhood Watch schemes. Members of each scheme are encouraged to pass on useful information to the police; in doing so they help to reduce crime and the fear of crime by keeping an eye on each other’s properties, sharing crime prevention advice and building a two-way communication with the police.

You can feel secure knowing that you and your neighbours are always keeping an eye on each other’s property; insurance companies sometimes offer lower premiums for being a member.

Becoming involved in Neighbourhood Watch

If you are interested in starting a Neighbourhood Watch, the local field officer for your area will be able to provide you with the necessary help to start a scheme. As every scheme will vary in size and location, the co-ordinators and members will determine how it will best operate to achieve its local aims.

Regular communication is achieved through the Watchword system in addition to regular e-mails, along with access to comprehensive information and literature published by the national Neighbourhood Watch association, the Home Office and Gloucestershire Constabulary.

Communications via Watchword

The watchword is the name given to the automatic messaging-system that is used by Gloucestershire Police to relay information to coordinators of Neighbourhood Watch schemes.

Watchword messages may relate to specific local incidents, give out crime reduction information of a more general nature, or give advance notification of meetings or other events of likely interest.

The messages originate from trained neighbourhood officers, members or from other trained staff and are sent by email and/or telephone.

Neighbourhood Watch coordinators are requested to promptly disseminate relevant messages to their scheme members by the most effective means.


We all want to feel safe and secure in our own homes and want to avoid an unwelcome visit from a burglar at all costs.

Home security covers a number of different areas, but this guide outlines a few simple steps that might help to protect your home and deter would-be thieves.


  • shut and lock windows and doors when you are out
  • make your house look occupied using lights and radios on a timer and outside lighting
  • shut and lock your side gate
  • plant prickly plants in your garden
  • secure sheds and garages
  • install a good burglar alarm


  • shut and lock windows and doors when you are out
  • make your house look occupied using lights and radios on a timer and outside lighting
  • shut and lock your side gate
  • plant prickly plants in your garden
  • secure sheds and garages
  • install a good burglar alarm

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